New Magic @ Magi-Fest 2025

We’re gearing up for Magi-Fest 2025 and have a bunch of new magic debuting at the Patrick Redford Presents booth. Stop by and see it live! A brand new Ace Assembly called Converge that stems from the minds of Griffin Watts & Patrick Redford. You’ll catch an Improbable Inauspicious Coincidence which starts with the participant and the performing shuffling two different decks of cards and cutting to the same card, then an impossible hands off any card at any number that culminates with both decks ending in a perfectly matched order!  You’ll see two killer effects from Tony Miller, including his Real Steal a utility gimmick and MOJO: an Impossible Rising Card. Real Steal allows a card to be fairly slid into the middle of a deck inside a card case only to be quickly and secretly stolen out again with no deck switch or funny moves. MOJO is an impossible looking rising card that can take place inside a sealed zip-lock bag that uses no strings, wires, magnets, or pullies. We’ll have classic Redford products like The Elephant, Sleightly Out of Order, Applesauce, Cardboard, Troppo, and Hypnotic Pull, and a VERY LIMITED supply of the Echo Index. Stop by and say hello!

Need a new wallet? We’ll have stock of both the EDC Wallet and The Real Man’s Speed Loader Wallet Deluxe to grab as well.

Lastly, we’ll be debuting our brand new Loadstone Chopped Dice Cup that includes a secret device that allows one to not only pick up and release balls from beneath the cup but also allows the load of four perfectly stacked casino dice as a finale.  We’ll have a few other surprises you won’t want to miss! I look forward to seeing everyone next week at Magi-Fest in Columbus, OH.

Check out the uncut performance of Converge below!